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Bergamot! Chinotto! Lemon! Blood Orange!

Italian Citrus


  • $210 50 ml

  • $300 100 ml

Italian Citrus
A sleek bottle of "i don't know what fragrance enhancer ds & durga" eau de parfum, 50 ml size, emphasizing minimalism and contemporary design.

I Don’t Know WhatPerfume

A fragrance enhancer with transparent radiance.

  • $210 50 ml

  • $300 100 ml

  • $75 Pocket

A lit scented candle with a label that reads "big sur after rain" by d.s. & durga, captured against a dark background, exuding a serene ambiance.

Big Sur After Rain7 oz Candle

Rain water in eucalyptus groves off Highway 1.


Big City Jams

6 Perfume Discovery Set


New England SummerBox Set

Rose-imbued coastal airs.


An artistic display of four cylindrical bottles with spray nozzles, emerging from a torn paper with the text "ds & durga" printed on it in a bold, abstract font.

Customizable Sample SetPick 4 Samples

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  • Jasmine
    Blends and elevates anything it touches. Truly kaleidoscopic.
  • Vetyver
    Earthy and green, but it also screams yellow like the color of the finest distillates.
  • Tonka
    Sweet like dessert, grassy like the countryside.