Mother's Day Candles

A lit scented candle with label reading "be still"by d.s. & durga, showcasing minimalist design on a transparent background.

Be Still 7 oz Candle

Soft incense glow.


A lit scented candle with the label "tuberose myrrhdr" by d.s. & durga, featuring graphic black-and-white hand symbols on the label.

Tuberose Myrrhder7 oz Candle

The night queen’s suspended bulbs.


A lit scented candle named "tomb of the eagles" by d.s. & durga, depicted against a transparent background.

Tomb of the Eagles7 oz Candle

Where Orkney eagles carried Stoneage souls beyond the jagged cliffs


A lit scented candle with a label that reads "big sur after rain" by d.s. & durga, captured against a dark background, exuding a serene ambiance.

Big Sur After Rain7 oz Candle

Rain water in eucalyptus groves off Highway 1.


A lit scented candle with label reading "wild brooklyn lavender" by d.s. & durga on a transparent background.

Wild Brooklyn Lavender7 oz Candle

Brooklyn flowering in the early aughts.
