Candle & Auto Subscriptions

A lit scented candle with a label that reads "big sur after rain" by d.s. & durga, captured against a dark background, exuding a serene ambiance.

Big Sur After Rain7 oz Candle

Rain water in eucalyptus groves off Highway 1.


A lit scented candle with label reading "be still"by d.s. & durga, showcasing minimalist design on a transparent background.

Be Still 7 oz Candle

Soft incense glow.


A lit scented candle with label reading "wild brooklyn lavender" by d.s. & durga on a transparent background.

Wild Brooklyn Lavender7 oz Candle

Brooklyn flowering in the early aughts.


A lit scented candle with the label "tuberose myrrhdr" by d.s. & durga, featuring graphic black-and-white hand symbols on the label.

Tuberose Myrrhder7 oz Candle

The night queen’s suspended bulbs.


A lit scented candle with the label "salt marsh rose" by d.s. & durga, featuring a simplistic design with a rose illustration against a clear background, casting a warm glow through its amber-colored wax.

Salt Marsh Rose7 oz Candle

New England wayside rose.


A lit scented candle with a label that reads "breakfast highlands" by d.s. & durga, featuring a simple illustration of a table with a coffee cup and a newspaper.

Breakfast Highlands7 oz Candle

Oats, heather honey, hay.


A lit scented candle labeled "breakfast leipzig" by d.s. & durga, showcasing minimalist packaging design on a transparent background.

Breakfast Leipzig7 oz Candle

Frühstück with JSB at Café Zimmerman, 1723.


A lit scented candle named "tomb of the eagles" by d.s. & durga, depicted against a transparent background.

Tomb of the Eagles7 oz Candle

Where Orkney eagles carried Stoneage souls beyond the jagged cliffs


A lit scented candle with the label "bergamot superior" by d.s. & durga.

Bergamot Superior7 oz Candle

Wild bergamot weeds sing citrus-speak in spring.


A lit scented candle with the label "parquet leather d.s. & durga" on a transparent background.

Parquet Leather7 oz Candle

Basketball leather.


A lit scented candle with a label that reads "spirit lamp" by d.s. & durga, featuring a geometric pattern.

Spirit Lamp7 oz Candle

Hot tea in places of ill repute.


A lit scented candle with a sleek design, featuring the label '85 diesel d.s. & durga', which suggests a unique fragrance inspired by the named theme.

’85 Diesel7 oz Candle

In clothes that look like rugs, singing “we must never break the chain.”


A lit scented candle labeled "concrete after lightning" by d.s. & durga, featuring a minimalist label design with lightning bolt graphics.

Concrete After Lightning7 oz Candle

Electric crackle, downpour, panic grass, sizzling asphalt steam.


A lit scented candle with a label reading "holy ficus" d.s. & durga on a transparent background.

Holy Ficus7 oz Candle

Silently watch the flame for 7 hours and you may spy liberation.


A lit illuminated scented candle with a whimsical "portable fireplace" label by d.s. & durga, casting a warm glow through amber-colored glass.

Portable Fireplace7 oz Candle

Smoky woods in the hearth.


A hanging auto fragrance with the inscription "ds & durga" and "big sur after rain" on it, featuring a stylized road and raindrop graphic.

Big Sur After RainAuto Fragrance

Rain water in eucalyptus groves off Highway 1.


A DS & DURGA air freshener featuring a minimalist black line design on a white background with the text "BE STILL" underneath, along with a black string for hanging.
A black arrow pointing left with the word "new" written inside it.

Be Still Auto Fragrance

Soft incense glow.


A hanging auto fragrance with the inscription"ds & durga" on the upper portion and "wild brooklyn lavender" below.

Wild Brooklyn LavenderAuto Fragrance

Brooklyn flowering in the early aughts.


A hanging auto fragrance bold typography showcasing the brand "ds & durga" and the product name "tuberose myrrhder". the label features two stylized, symmetrical icons of an open hand, one with an eye in the palm and the other with a radiating star or burst.

Tuberose Myrrhder AutoAuto Fragrance

The night queen’s suspended bulbs.


A hanging auto fragrance with the inscription "ds & durga" and the scent name "concrete after lightning," adorned with lightning bolt graphics.

Concrete After LightningAuto Fragrance

Electric crackle, downpour, panic grass, sizzling asphalt steam.


A hanging auto fragrance with the inscription "ds&durga" at the top and the name "holy ficus" below an emblem featuring a leaf silhouette inside a jagged circle.

Holy FicusAuto Fragrance

Fig tree, Desi spiced.


A hanging auto fragrance with the inscription"ds & durga" on the upper portion and "portable fireplace" below, featuring a stylized graphic of sparkles dispersing above an open book.

Portable FireplaceAuto Fragrance

Smoky woods in the hearth.


A hanging auto fragrance with the inscription"d.s. & durga" on the upper portion and "breakfast leipzig" below featuring stylish monochrome design with a table, cup, and spoon illustration

Breakfast LeipzigAuto Fragrance

Frühstück with JSB at Café Zimmerman, 1723.
